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Posts tagged “vlad’s principality

Vlad Tepes presents Best Sequel Title Ideas of All Time

1. Sex and the City 3: Rise of the Machines

2. Schindler’s List 2: Electric Boogalo

3. Indiana Jones 5: We Have Nothing But Contempt For All You Sad Pricks and Assholes Who Pay Money to See This Utter Crap

4. Transformers 4: Because We Can And You Assholes Will Still Pay

5. Fast and the Furious 6: We Do This to Keep Two Utterly Shit Actors Out of Decent Films.  You’re Welcome.

6. Scream 5: Scream Four plus One

7. Sex and the City 4: Yes, These Now Fucking Wrinkled Hags Will Be Naked in 3D

8. Saw VV: After VII, We Don’t Know How the Roman Numerals Go

9. Avatar 2: The Search For a Fucking Story

10. Madea Goes Straight to Video