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Posts tagged “football

Vlad Tepes Presents: Top 5 Celebrity Names

1. Albert Pujols.  Baseball.  St Louis Cardinals

Perhaps the greatest name in sports history.  I would watch Cardinals games just to hear the unintentional innuendos from the commentators.  And to get me sitting through a whole baseball game takes some doing.  Oh…the sheer discipline these sportscasters possess to keep from absolutely losing it every time Pujols steps up to the plate.

Favorite quote: “Pujols takes a ball.”


2. David Seaman.  Soccer.  Former Arsenal and England Goalkeeper

This one takes absolutely no imagination, does it?  The 3rd grader in me always surfaces whenever I hear his name uttered.  On its own, the name Seaman is absolutely hilarious, but when former Manchester United midfielder (and all-round crap player) Nicky Butt also graced the England colors, it became the stuff of legends.

Favorite quote: “Here’s Seaman…to Butt.”


3. Dick Trickle.  Former NASCAR driver

Jesus Christ.  Does this bastard have any sense?  Or is he just the most self deprecating asshole in the world?  For god’s sake, if your name is Richard Trickle, have your friends call you Rich!

Favorite quote: Just mention his name.  That’s enough.



4. Udo Dirkschneider.  Singer.  ACCEPT

This man has what Sebastian Bach called the greatest name in metal, and for once, I wholeheartedly agree with that poncy piece of butt-rock residue.  My word, Mr. Dirkschneider is a perfect storm of ingredients, all swirling around to form one brilliant package: a very short, chubby German guy, who wears camoulflage pajamas, and looks like a cross between a hobbit and that lecherous, child-molesting homeless man in the song “Aqualung”.

Favorite quote: “You got your balls to the wall, man.”


5. Dick Butkus.  Football.  Former Chicago Bears Linebacker

I have no way of verifying this, but a young Richard Butkus may well have believed that he was too much of a pussy, and consequently, made the counter-intuitive decision to employ the “Boy Named Sue” tactic on himself.  I mean, let’s face it.  You would need to be tough as nails to survive with a name like that.   Mr Butkus would later become one of the greatest linebackers in NFL history, so who am I to argue?  Well done, sir.

Favorite quote: I don’t really listen, as I get so distracted by his name

Honorable mentions: Dean Windass, Rip Torn, Jim Bob Cooter, Stefan Kuntz

Favorite quote from a commentator:

Euro 96 England-Germany semifinal.  Stefan Kuntz receives a pass from Jurgen Klinsmann, and the commentator stumbles, “Matthias to Sammer, to Klinsmann…Kuntz”