Impaling the Beliefs You Hold Most Dear

Hall of Fame


Kasabian’s Vlad the Impaler

One of the main gripes I have is the blatant misrepresentation of me in the entertainment industry.  For too long, I have seen actors prance around in a queer eye for the genocidal guy facsimile of me…putting on some ridiculous Hungarian accent, because Bela Lugosi couldn’t speak a lick of English.  I have often found myself shaking my head in disbelief.  Yet in the last 20 years I have found some hope .  First of all, there is Kasabian’s particularly accurate video ‘Vlad the Impaler’.  First, they made the inspired move of getting Noel Fielding, aka Richmond from the IT Crowd.  Second, they finally made a cape suave, and not some flaming device of melodrama.  And third, if I was  the star of cheap Italian slashers from the 60’s, I would act in every way Noel Fielding did.  Strangely enough, I was once surrounded by torch-wielding nuns, so they clearly did their homework.  Fantastic work, Kasabian.  You make this ruthless tyrant proud.

Vlad the Impaler by intergalactic legends GWAR

Yet as brilliant as the Kasabian video is, the absolute bar is, and will always be, GWAR’s ‘Vlad the Impaler’.  Dave Brockie aka Odeerus Urungus obviously did his homework before penning the brilliant song.  He correctly points out that I could well have been a tailor, and a sailor.  And his explanation for the Turks not getting along with me is nothing short of brilliant, not to mention ruthlessly objective.  If only more Dracula scholars were as meticulous in their research as he was.

Top 3 Vlad the Impaler songs:

1. Vlad the Impaler by GWAR

2. Vlad the Impaler by Kasabian

3. Footloose by Kenny Loggins

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