Impaling the Beliefs You Hold Most Dear


Vlad Tepes presents Best Sequel Title Ideas of All Time

1. Sex and the City 3: Rise of the Machines

2. Schindler’s List 2: Electric Boogalo

3. Indiana Jones 5: We Have Nothing But Contempt For All You Sad Pricks and Assholes Who Pay Money to See This Utter Crap

4. Transformers 4: Because We Can And You Assholes Will Still Pay

5. Fast and the Furious 6: We Do This to Keep Two Utterly Shit Actors Out of Decent Films.  You’re Welcome.

6. Scream 5: Scream Four plus One

7. Sex and the City 4: Yes, These Now Fucking Wrinkled Hags Will Be Naked in 3D

8. Saw VV: After VII, We Don’t Know How the Roman Numerals Go

9. Avatar 2: The Search For a Fucking Story

10. Madea Goes Straight to Video

April’s Stupid Asshole of the Month

Every month there is exceedingly stiff competition for the coveted asshole of the month prize.  Glenn Beck is always a contender.  Wolf Blitzer in the past few months has really risen to prominence. Charlie Sheen, well, he is certainly always “winning” in these stakes.  But one man, one unknown entity, has somehow risen from obscurity, and taken the trophy from these heavyweights.

Enter Matthew Millan, a wannabe filmmaker residing in the shithole par excellence of Los Angeles, California.  So how, you ask, does a relative unknown rise to the top of the steaming pile of douchebags to win the award?  Simple.  This prick is going to Libya to make a film!  Yes, you heard it.  Libya!  Home of Gaddafi, a man who recklessly invaded Chad (who still has trouble sitting on a hard surface to this day), bombed a German nightclub, plotted the Lockerbie disaster, and worst of all, purchased a nuclear warhead made from used pinball parts.  And Matthew “Middle-Aged Attention Whore” Millan is going to his backyard to make a little film on god knows, or cares for that matter, what.

I lived my whole life immersed in the most brutal violence imaginable, for I was just a product of the times.  But it really, really takes a dipshit of the highest order to actively seek out a conflict, particularly one centered around an even bigger tit than myself.  God bless Tiny Tim.

And so I call on all of my followers, and all 10 readers, to support this idiot in this ridiculous, 64 calorie T.E Lawrence endeavor.  Why, you ask?  Simple.  This is certainly going to end up being the 4th installment of Jackass, and I wouldn’t miss it for the world.  Short of stapling his nutsack to Saif Gaddafi’s thigh, I can’t see how this could possibly be more hilarious.  So, please my dear readers, if you are loyal to comedy, then give this asshole some money so he can not only go into the lion’s den, but stick his finger up its butthole.  You can donate your money to the cause below:

Donate to the Comedy Here

Charlie Sheen’s War

Recent developments in North Africa, and within the labrythine mind of Charlie Sheen may at first glance seem completely unrelated.  Yet an astute observer, like a certain 570 year-old prince for example, will pick up telling correlations between these events.  As a butterfly flapping its wings in California causes a typhoon in Japan, the apparent breakdown of Mr. Sheen has in fact accelerated the wind of revolution around the world.  So the real question to ask is not if these events are related, but how they are related.

Pax Wolfowitza

The acrid stench of rebellion has been so strong, so overpowering, that it has even stirred the old guard neo-cons from their slumber.  Led by Paul Wolfowitz and the other chicken-hawks descended directly from complete-and-utter-prick DNA extracted from Lucy’s pimp in Ethiopia, the Pax Americana Wild Bunch have called for immediate intervention in Libya.  This is of course all in the name of democracy and human rights, two themes entirely consistent with their impressive track records.  Seriously, any half-witted dipshit can see through this doo doo-stained veil.  But how, you ask, can this possibly relate to that quixotic guy known for his ground-breaking roles in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off and Men at Work?

Narcissus Raped by Adonis

As a hilarious consequence of the costly picnics in Iraq and Afghanistan, United States foreign policy is in serious trouble.  A blowback of Category-5 proportions, so to speak.  The aging narcissistic autocrats who supported the powerful American military-industrial complex are being jettisoned into the Mediterranean faster than Paris Hilton can spread her frighteningly virulent strain of HPV (approximately 96% the speed of light).  Alas, how things were looking so different in the early part of the  century.  M1 Abrams, tear gas cannisters, Poison CD’s and Barney, you name it were being shipped over to these friendly megalomaniacs for a little bit of oil money, and some friendly Rendition favors enacted on Pakistani cab drivers. Hell, even Mr. Lockerbie himself, Colonel Gaddafi threw his ridiculous Psychic Network looking hat into the ring of counter-terrorism.

Yet within these past few calamitous weeks, the whole world has been turned on its head, all thanks to Zuckerburg and his previously outlined plans for world domination.  The neo-cons rightly suspect that Pharaoh Zuckerburg cannot be possibly be contained, indeed making him a serious threat to their amusingly nefarious designs.  As masters of imp-provisation, they have reluctantly stepped away from their retirement glory holes to scour the land for worthy replacements to their friendly despots.  But not just any old royal dick-heads can rule these treacherous nations, particularly ones divided along tribal lines.  A tricky business finding Pol Pot caliber assholes to control the rabble.  Yet as we know, nothing comes out of a vacuum, apart from a reckless teenager’s penis. Concurrently, rigorous scientific investigations into the very fabric of human DNA have led to a startling discovery. For years, it was widely suspected that every despotic ruler in human history has had a certain mojo, a certain je ne sais quoi, a staggering level of prickery that would even make The Situation from Jersey Shore blanch.  But the smoking gun was never found.  That is until the mojo was serendipitously discovered in a UCLA laboratory in 2009.  The Adonis Gene.  Yes, every tyrant in the history of civilization can trace his lineage to the ports of Phoenicia, and to the divine scrotal sack of Adonis himself.

Although normally loathe to accept any scientific methodology, Mr Wolfowitz and his merry band of Ring Wraiths saw a glorious opportunity.  Celebrity culture in the United States is capable of staggering levels of narcissism, making it a seminally-coated petri dish of perfect candidates for all of these open dictatorial positions.  So without delay, the Wolf Pack dusted off the old strip club napkins and revised the Project for a New American Century, and consequently Pax Americana.  Their pretty young oil boy assistants were duly instructed to wash their mouths out, and contact the celebrity world forthwith.  Auditions were then held for the still unfilled roles in North Africa.  But not just any narcissistic tabloid tit could qualify.  The right celebrity had to demonstrate beyond all doubt that certain je ne sais quoi.  That level of self-loving douchebaggery so great that it could only be traced to the God of Douchebags himself.  Adonis.

High on Sheen

And so enter the man.  Enter the son of the gods.  Enter…Wild Thing.  Swaggering toward the mound in his algebra teacher’s spectacles, poised to hurl a 101 mph missile right at the undescended nuts of the media machine.  Charlie Sheen.  High on celebrity.  High on life.  High on…Charlie Sheen. And honestly, what better replacement for the King of Kings than a man who can overdose on himself?  I mean, if he hasn’t developed a tolerance to Charlie Sheen after 45 years of hard use, then that must be some really powerful shit.  So it is easy to imagine the neo-CONS concluding that six million downtrodden Libyans may well be vulnerable to 1 gram, let alone 70 kilos of Charlie Sheen.  In fact, conservative jump-to-bizarre-conclusions-without-any-evidence-tank population models suggest that Libyans will be addicted within a matter of weeks, and ravenous zombies bent on their Sheen fix in only a matter of months.  By 2012, what’s left of their dignity will be flushed down the toilet.  Even more worryingly, these projections point to the entire Muslim World, 1.5 billion poor souls, becoming irreversibly addicted to Sheen, or some toxic variant by 2015.   And once again, the Project for a New American Century will be in place.  Pax Americana back on track, and firmly within the grasp of the neo-knob gobblers.

So where, you ask, does this leave Charlie Sheen?  He’s too high to give a shit.

Vlad Tepes presents: The Top 20 Movie Titles That Should Have Been Porno Titles

1. There Will Be Blood

2. Silence of the Lambs

3. Lorenzo’s Oil

4. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

5. Don’t Tell Mom the Babysitter’s Dead

6. Three Men and a Little Lady

7. Big Trouble in Little China

8. The Hard Way

9. Backdraft

10. 300

11. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid

12. 12 Angry Men

13. The Third Man

14. The Elephant Man

15. Strangers on a Train

16. 8 1/2

17. 12 Monkeys

18 Brief Encounter

19. The 400 Blows

20. Grease