Impaling the Beliefs You Hold Most Dear

April’s Stupid Asshole of the Month

Every month there is exceedingly stiff competition for the coveted asshole of the month prize.  Glenn Beck is always a contender.  Wolf Blitzer in the past few months has really risen to prominence. Charlie Sheen, well, he is certainly always “winning” in these stakes.  But one man, one unknown entity, has somehow risen from obscurity, and taken the trophy from these heavyweights.

Enter Matthew Millan, a wannabe filmmaker residing in the shithole par excellence of Los Angeles, California.  So how, you ask, does a relative unknown rise to the top of the steaming pile of douchebags to win the award?  Simple.  This prick is going to Libya to make a film!  Yes, you heard it.  Libya!  Home of Gaddafi, a man who recklessly invaded Chad (who still has trouble sitting on a hard surface to this day), bombed a German nightclub, plotted the Lockerbie disaster, and worst of all, purchased a nuclear warhead made from used pinball parts.  And Matthew “Middle-Aged Attention Whore” Millan is going to his backyard to make a little film on god knows, or cares for that matter, what.

I lived my whole life immersed in the most brutal violence imaginable, for I was just a product of the times.  But it really, really takes a dipshit of the highest order to actively seek out a conflict, particularly one centered around an even bigger tit than myself.  God bless Tiny Tim.

And so I call on all of my followers, and all 10 readers, to support this idiot in this ridiculous, 64 calorie T.E Lawrence endeavor.  Why, you ask?  Simple.  This is certainly going to end up being the 4th installment of Jackass, and I wouldn’t miss it for the world.  Short of stapling his nutsack to Saif Gaddafi’s thigh, I can’t see how this could possibly be more hilarious.  So, please my dear readers, if you are loyal to comedy, then give this asshole some money so he can not only go into the lion’s den, but stick his finger up its butthole.  You can donate your money to the cause below:

Donate to the Comedy Here

One response

  1. What the hell is wrong with you people? Are you really stupid enough to believe that The Universe gives a shit about what you think? That somehow if you think only positive thoughts that the Cosmos will reward you with positive energy? Suddenly, every environmental factor rendered meaningless, just because you wanted that new ipod? So let’s clear this up once and for all, Rhonda. Are you saying that every asshole in Chile prayed and prayed for a 9.0 magnitude earthquake? And all of the 250,000 people littering the Indian Ocean in the aftermath of the 2004 tsunami were just begging for a good drowning? Do you even know what a scientific law is? Where, oh where is the verifiable evidence that proves this so-called law of attraction? Hypothesis? Challenging experiment? Where is your scientific method (one of the great triumphs of The Age of Enlightenment)? It’s nowhere to be found, for you insufferable pricks are still floating around the same intellectual level as those poor peasant subjects of the distant past. 6,000 years of human civilization, and only 1% of you have made it past the veritable 3rd level of Tetris.

    January 21, 2013 at 3:45 am

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